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Takuya Shimamura

Graduate School of Engineering
Kyushu University

develop a mechanism in which all human activities automatically seek a better world by updating the incentives of individuals, firms, and nations.

I'm a master's student. I've been conducting empirical studies on Inclusive Wealth (IW), an alternative socio-economic index to overcome the limitations of GDP.

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Inclusive Wealth

Measuring progress towards sustainability

Beyond GDP

Inclusive Wealth (IW) is an index to measure sustainability and human well-being, beyond GDP. IW captures all forms of capital that contribute to well-being: produced capital, human capital, and natural capital. The proper index gives us decent incentives for all activities. By letting goals of policies and cooperations be the improve of IW, I aim the world where any activities seek human well-being automatically. 

As a Researcher

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My research interests based on inclusive wealth are broad: human well-being, sustainability, urban engineering, environment, education, health, aging, infrastructure, real estate, land prices, etc. To realize my research interests, I have developed various research skills: applied econometrics, spatial analysis, system dynamics, GIS, remote sensing, machine learning, image processing.

 私は、Inclusive Wealth (新国富指標) を土台として、人類の福祉, 持続可能性, 都市工学, 環境, 教育, 健康, 高齢化, インフラストラクチャー, 不動産など、幅広い研究の関心があります。

 これらの分野を横断するため、計量経済学, 空間解分析, シミュレーション解析, GIS, リモートセンシング, 機械学習, 画像認識などのスキルを応用し、研究活動に励んでいます。

読書のすゝめ   (Japanese only)


哲学, 宗教, 思想



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現代史, 戦争, 平和


環境, 農業, 林業

政治, 政策




文明, 文化, 民族


芸術, スポーツ

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